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Thursday, September 12, 2013

TGIF :))

assalamualaikum bloggers...

apa kaba? sehat  ? hope everything went well...nothing to share..hehe..saje je..dah lame tak jengah my blog..dah nk berkarattt..hahaha

hari nie kerja macam biase...sorang lagii..haishh...bosan gak kadang2..tapi ade FB,twitter,IG and andd ofcoz blog..xde la bosan sgt..hehe..

actually, my bos kne admitt lak hari nie..apendix katanya..kesian bos..hehe..get well soon bosss!

hari ni lunch pon mcm biase..xmakan berat ponn..mkn nestum 3 in 1..jaga kesihatan katenye..hakhak..( bugjet sebenarnyee..huhu)

igat today jumaat then esok boleh hurey2..tapi sory laa..esok i ade kursus lak..hmm..biase la,,,persedian utk exam PMB..malas nk wt cmneee...bos suruh..ikot je...mgkin mase dpn dpt tolong i kn...aminn...i hope i hopee.. pon my cousin nk nikahhh...congrates abg zaki!!! good luckk! hehe...soryy xdpt antaaa..kerja laa..huh..esok pon same...xpelah..nnt kt sunway belah abg kompem adee..don worry yaaa..heheh..

ok lahh...that all..i nie xpndai nk share sgt taip2 nie...kalo pandai dah lme i jd i mmg minat sgt novel tauuuu...haha..tetibe...

till next entry.byeee..


Saturday, January 19, 2013

***maharajalawakmega 2012

hye blogger :)

hehe..xde ape nk story pon..saje je nk buat review sikit pasal final MLM hari tu 18/1/2013 kt JB..
sape yg tgok hari tu tau la sape g menang.hehe.ok la..overall i rase mase final hari tu sume peserta buat yg terbaek..n surprisingly Johan ade mase hari tu ..mmg terbaek.walaupun saket Johan tetap bersemangt teruskan persembahan diorang..

for me, for sure i sokong Jozan juara..hehe..biase la i kn bkn sbb tu tp sbb diorang mmg bagus..sape kate tanpa Johan , Zizan xboleh survive? spe kata zizan xlawak? dah terbuktikan sekarang selama dua minggu zizan punya persembahan terbaek..spe yg xsuka tu sbb jeles je kn..ok nk lebih2 kt sini..nnt ade yg sentap.hehe..

1. Juara MLM 2012


seee..terbukti kn.diorang mmg terbaekk..hehe.. #500k #trophy 


hurmm..for me..saywho tak patot dapat no 5..they deserve batter..setiap mggu diorang buat persembahan terbaek..buat homework yg betul..menepati citarasa malaysia.i x percaya xde fans dia kt malaysia nie...nie sume conspiracy dari astro..biase la.xkan nk bg boboi last kot? kn?hmm..jambu pulak no 2? watever.. saywho patot no 2.. ape ape pon.. i love JOZAN n SAYWHO..

xoxox :D

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

***January babies :)

ok entry kali nie nk cite pasal January babies in family..hehe.Along and Adam.

11 january .my lil brother Adam bufday  yg ke 11...

happy bufday adam! belajar rajin2 tau..jgn nk engt games je..tahun depan dah UPSR.da xdpt mcm akak dlu penggal kepala..huhu..resukt akak xde la the best tp ok la..heheh!

 16 january bufday my big bro Along yg ke 31

..oppps..hehe..bia la org sebok je soh along kawen..bia la dia nk kawen bila.please la jgn buzy body ok..i love him..i don wanna him to marry yet..still nk perhatian dari along..abg2 yg laen sume dah kawen..kasih syg tu dah semakin kurang aku rasa..hope along kawen nnt dpt orang yg betul2  paham dia mcm mne our u so much Along!!!

ok.tu jela nk share..hehe..wait for next entry love :D

***ZTF gathering

yeah! we love u Zizan Razak!!
hye uolls!! Assalamualaikumm.. hehe..

sorry..da lme xupdate..hehe..
hari nie nk story sikit pasal "ZizanTwitterFamily" gathering pada 26/12/12 yg lepas..
mmg meriah giler tau.thanx tu my mom sbb bg permission nk pegi sanaa.n ofkoz thanx to kak needa yg anjurkan..thanx u so muchh kak sebab buat impian saya nk jumpe abg tercapai..Alhamdulillah..akhirnya..semua yg aku hajatkan dalam taon 2012 tercapai..syukur kehadrat Allah yg maha esa..ok xde pe nk story sgt ponn..byk nk post gmba jer..btw..tema hari white n blue .nice huh?! my fav colour btw..hehe ..idea asal dari kak mas (jozanFC) ok check it out :D
with mell

ok first of all..thanx mell syg sbbteman g gathering..atleast ade jgk org yg nk sembang..xde la mak sorang2 senyap je kt sane..thanx sygg..hehe
love this picca <3 td="td">

 masa hari tu jgk ade reporter dr BH dtg..masok paper kau.hehe
zizan sedang di temu ramah

cake for HIM! lah kak kuat JozanFC

ok..msok dlm instagram zizan gituu..

with along..Hafiza Razak


kak marina yg gojes sggtt!
Z for zizan :D

with adyanny n her sister from u sis..please come again 
love u soo much ZizanRazak
hope lepas nie dapat join lg gathering nie..mmg best sgttt..huhu..
masok paper gituu..SINAR HARIAN 13/1/13

antara kenangan yg xdpt lupakan..selama hidup nie xpnh dpt lucky draw..tibetibe mase gathering dpt pulak..suka sgt! hehe.thanx againnn!

ok then pasal gathering..later on the next entry..c yaaa :D