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Thursday, September 12, 2013

TGIF :))

assalamualaikum bloggers...

apa kaba? sehat  ? hope everything went well...nothing to share..hehe..saje je..dah lame tak jengah my blog..dah nk berkarattt..hahaha

hari nie kerja macam biase...sorang lagii..haishh...bosan gak kadang2..tapi ade FB,twitter,IG and andd ofcoz blog..xde la bosan sgt..hehe..

actually, my bos kne admitt lak hari nie..apendix katanya..kesian bos..hehe..get well soon bosss!

hari ni lunch pon mcm biase..xmakan berat ponn..mkn nestum 3 in 1..jaga kesihatan katenye..hakhak..( bugjet sebenarnyee..huhu)

igat today jumaat then esok boleh hurey2..tapi sory laa..esok i ade kursus lak..hmm..biase la,,,persedian utk exam PMB..malas nk wt cmneee...bos suruh..ikot je...mgkin mase dpn dpt tolong i kn...aminn...i hope i hopee.. pon my cousin nk nikahhh...congrates abg zaki!!! good luckk! hehe...soryy xdpt antaaa..kerja laa..huh..esok pon same...xpelah..nnt kt sunway belah abg kompem adee..don worry yaaa..heheh..

ok lahh...that all..i nie xpndai nk share sgt taip2 nie...kalo pandai dah lme i jd i mmg minat sgt novel tauuuu...haha..tetibe...

till next entry.byeee..
